Transform training with the

'Journey to Outstanding: Comprehensive training and development diagnostics audit'

Struggling to pinpoint gaps in your carer induction or annual refresher training?

Following our comprehensive learning and development audit, you'll be able to see exactly where the immediate gaps are in your training program and have a step by step plan on what actions you need to take to address the shortfall.

By looking closely at your current plan, documentation processes and understanding where your staff teams currently are, I will empower you to enhance your training effectiveness, ensuring your home care staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to excel and that you remain compliant with CQC Regulations, and even exceed them.

Gain focus and direction on the steps you need to take to ensure you train your home care staff not only in the right way, but in making you a stand out provider where you can shout about the excellent training you provide your team.

If you want to stand out from other care companies with outstanding training, or need an expert to review and critique your training programs, the care training and development audit might be what you need.

What you will get:

Compliance report

With detailed action plan on where your training gaps are.

Receive a free training matrix that highlights upcoming training requirements through an easy colour code system.

Training program review

Including program outline; objectives, delivery methods, participant feedback, duration and timings, learning outcomes, practical application, strengths, and areas for improvement, providing detailed recommendations.

(You can upgrade the service to include content and materials review too).

Training needs analysis

By receiving a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) report, you will gain a clear understanding of your current skills gaps and training requirements.

This targeted insight allows you to design effective training programs that directly address your team's needs, leading to improved performance, productivity, and employee satisfaction.

Actionable training plan

Receive a detailed roadmap tailored to your specific needs.

This plan outlines clear, step-by-step strategies to align to CQC requirements, ensuring that training initiatives are focused and effective.

Drive performance improvements, foster employee development, and achieve your business objectives more efficiently.

Adhere to best practice

Navigate the complex landscape of regulatory compliance with confidence.

Our audit provides you with the latest best practice guidelines, ensuring that your training not only meets but exceeds industry standards.

After the struggle of recruiting a new carer, don't let all your hard work go to waste when your training let's you down.

Our Training and Development audit serves as a supportive companion, guiding you to ensure you are providing the right training and development, whilst enhancing your team's skills and capabilities effectively.

We provide actionable insights and straightforward steps to identify training needs, nurture talent, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Unlocking the full potential of your home care team by discovering what you are doing well, and what you could do a little better.


Running or leading a business involves its own set of challenges, and navigating the training and development landscape can be equally complex.

That's why it's crucial to pause and assess if everything is moving in the right direction.

Are you achieving your training and development goals?

Are you staying abreast of the latest trends and overcoming development challenges?

Optimizing the potential of your team?

Losing staff in the first 12 months because you trained them badly?

Compliant with CQC Regulations?

Even when your training efforts are effective, it's valuable to explore ways to enhance them further, considering the dynamic nature of the industry, or looking how you could save time or money.

It can sometimes feel isolating and uncertain. That's why seeking guidance from someone with first-hand experience and success is invaluable.

My training and development audit is like having a personal learning and development professional for your business.


Do this with my 3 step approach


Begin with a comprehensive audit of existing training and processes.

Evaluate alignment with business goals, values, regulatory compliance, and effectiveness in addressing specific staff skill gaps.


Conduct a thorough review of materials and identify where improvements could be made.


After gathering together compliance information, training program details, carrying out a training needs analysis and reviewing any other relevant documentation, it's time to produce a comprehensive report and action plan outlining all the steps you need to take to enhance your learning and development efforts.


We'll meet virtually to discuss the training report (or at the end of the day if you book my on site service).

Discuss the next steps for you, so that you are clear on what you need to do.

As an optional extra, I can be your accountability buddy to ensure that you take all appropriate actions outlined in the report with a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly accountability call.



Transform Your Training Ltd, trading as, Company Registration number: 15721561

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