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Onboarding new carer staff

How to turn new care staff into committed carers through effective onboarding

March 24, 202414 min read

“Onboarding is the art of making new employees feel at home in a place they have never been to before”

Me, although apologies if someone else has used it elsewhere!

How to turn new staff into committed team members through better employee onboarding

In the ever-changing landscape of the UK home care sector, the significance of a well-structured onboarding process cannot be overstated. 

High turnover rates plague the home care sector, with many professionals citing lack of support, inadequate training, and a disconnect with organisational values as key reasons for leaving their positions.

Key reasons for carers leaving the UK home care sector

The demand for skilled, dedicated caregivers continues to grow, driven by an ageing population and a shift towards home-based care. This demand puts additional pressure on home care business owners and registered managers to not only attract but also retain top talent.

Keeping professional carer givers in the UK is multifaceted, influenced by factors such as job satisfaction, work environment, and the motivation to make a difference in people's lives. 

The Tale of Two Onboardings: Karen’s Journey

The Poor Onboarding Experience

Karen, eager and full of empathy and compassion, steps into her new role as a carer with your home care company. Filled with aspirations to make a positive difference in the lives of her clients, her journey begins. However, the onboarding process—or lack thereof—quickly dims her enthusiasm.

Day One: Karen receives a brief, impersonal introduction to the team. Handed a stack of documents to sign without proper explanation, she feels overwhelmed and isolated. There’s no mention of a mentor, no detailed training schedule, just a uniform and a list of client addresses after the one day training session has been completed.

The First Week: Karen finds herself thrust into her duties with minimal training. The induction merely skimmed over policies, with no practical demonstrations or shadowing opportunities. Questions bubble up in her mind, but there’s no designated person to turn to as the trainer just carries on with the next subject to tick off their list with hurried responses from busy colleagues.

Impact on the Team and Clients: Karen’s lack of preparedness becomes evident. Tasks take her longer to complete, affecting her schedule and, by extension, her colleagues', who must cover for her delays. Without a solid grasp of the ethos of compassionate care, Karen’s interactions with clients, though well-intentioned, lack the depth, person centred care and sensitivity expected. The clients sense this disconnection, leading to complaints that tarnish the reputation and morale among the team.

The Business Fallout: Karen's enthusiasm wanes. The job she envisioned as fulfilling becomes a source of stress, leading her to resign. The turnover doesn’t just affect operational capacity but also incurs financial losses in recruitment and damages the trust built with clients and their families.

The Great Onboarding Experience

Now, let’s rewind and envision Karen’s onboarding journey, redesigned with care and attention.

Day One: Karen is warmly welcomed by the team. Her onboarding begins with a personal meet-and-greet, introducing her to her mentor, a seasoned carer named Sophie. She receives a comprehensive welcome pack, including clear, detailed documentation about her role, training schedule, and the company’s values. Karen feels seen and valued from the outset.

The First Week: Karen’s induction is thorough. It includes hands-on training, shadowing Sophie on visits, and engaging e-learning modules that she can complete at her own pace. This blended approach ensures Karen feels confident in her duties and aligned with the ethos of compassionate care. Sophie is always there to answer questions, providing insights from her own experiences.

Impact on the Team and Clients: Karen quickly becomes an integral part of the care team. Her confidence in her role allows her to manage her time efficiently, supporting her colleagues and enhancing the team's cohesion. Her interactions with clients are meaningful and empathetic, embodying the company’s values. Clients express their satisfaction, praising the care they receive, which in turn boosts the morale and pride within the team.

The Business Success: With a solid foundation, Karen’s commitment to her role only grows. She remains with the company, reducing turnover and associated costs. Her success stories with clients become testimonials to the quality of care the home care business provides, bolstering its reputation in the community. The positive work environment leads to more referrals from both staff and clients, fostering business growth and stability.

The impact of how you treat your new care professional in those early days and beyond

Karen’s tale sadly illustrates the significant impact the onboarding process can have on new carers, their colleagues, clients, and the overall business. 

A well-structured, thoughtful onboarding experience not only nurtures dedicated and skilled carers but also reinforces the reputation, operational efficiency, and financial sustainability.

What happens after you have recruited your carer?

After recruitment, the next critical phase of the journey begins with employee onboarding – a crucial phase that sets the tone for a carer's experience and their alliance to the role and to your organisation.

For home care agencies, providers and registered managers, getting it right sets the tone for a caregiver's entire career within an organisation, dramatically reducing feelings of overwhelm and isolation that new carers might face.

Simply put, new staff need to learn and understand a number of crucial things over and above learning about the organisation’s culture, its mission statement and values.  Carers need to learn about policies and procedures, understand the key requirements of the job role, and how to document what they have (and have not) done.  They need to learn and master practical skills on how to look after clients safely and competently with the right set of attitudes and behaviours that make a significant difference in the lives of the people they care for.

Key elements of an effective onboarding process

Comprehensive induction

The journey of a professional carer in the UK home care sector begins with a comprehensive planned induction process, that isn't a last minute rush first thing on a Monday morning. 

This crucial first step is not just about familiarising new hires with job duties; it's about integrating them into the heart and soul of compassionate care. A thorough induction covers the practicalities of daily tasks and introduces the ethos of person-centred care, setting the stage for a fulfilling and impactful career.

UK home care induction should encompass an overview of the organisation's history, values, and the critical role carers play in enhancing the lives of those they support. It should also include hands-on carer job training in essential care procedures, use of equipment, documentation, and emergency response protocols, ensuring carers feel confident and prepared from day one.

Creating an induction checklist, or a training plan (or even both) can be very helpful.  You can get a copy of my free induction and onboarding checklist HERE.

Regulatory Compliance and Safety Training

Aligning onboarding with UK health and safety standards and CQC regulations is non-negotiable. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) outlines specific expectations for the induction of new staff, emphasising the need for training that equips carers with the knowledge and skills to provide safe, effective, compassionate, and high-quality care. Incorporating CQC standards into induction programmes ensures not only regulatory compliance but also demonstrates a culture of safety and excellence.

Practical training should include many things including safeguarding, infection control, first aid, moving and handling, medication and any number of other subjects. Resources from Skills for Care, as well as other training such as the Care Certificate, provides a valuable framework for designing induction content that meets these regulatory requirements.

Mentorship and Support Systems

Mentorship plays a vital role in the onboarding experience. Assigning experienced carers as mentors to new hires offers them a lifeline within the organisation, a go-to person for advice, support, and encouragement. This system not only facilitates smoother integration into the team but also reinforces the collaborative and supportive culture of care.

Effective mentorship programmes might include regular check-ins, shadowing opportunities, and structured support and feedback sessions. New and experienced carers feel valued, supported, and part of a community committed to excellence in care.

Ongoing Learning and Development Opportunities

The care sector is dynamic, with continuous advancements in best practices, technology, and regulatory standards. Therefore, continuous learning for carers is essential to keep the workforce engaged, competent, and up-to-date. 

Professional development in home care goes beyond initial training, offering carers pathways for career progression and specialisation, whether that is offered through Diplomas, or other specialised courses such as dementia, emerging care techniques, or refresher training.

You can find resources and guidance from Skills for Care that will help organisations create a structured approach to professional development, ensuring their teams not only meet but exceed the standards set forth by the CQC.

Are you welcoming your carers on day one and beyond?

In the UK home care sector, where the emotional and physical demands can be high, fostering a welcoming and inclusive culture is paramount.   It starts with a friendly greeting - all too often organisations in their haste to make last minute changes to rotas, answer the phone or any number of urgent things going on at once, forget to welcome people effectively or check up on them regularly.

Having a positive, friendly and supportive environment not only enhances caregiver commitment but significantly boosts job satisfaction. From day one and beyond. This sense of belonging can dramatically reduce turnover rates and build a team of dedicated, long-term employees.

Here are some practical tips to ensure every new carer feels welcomed and valued:

  • Personalised Welcome: A welcome message from the management team can make new hires feel appreciated from the outset. Consider welcome packs that include not just the essentials for their role but also a personal note or a small gift, like a branded item, snack or the like that makes them feel part of the team.

  • Team Introductions: Add team introductions into the onboarding process. This could be through a team meeting dedicated to welcoming new hires or a buddy system where new carers are paired with existing staff members. 

  • Celebrating Small Wins: Recognising and celebrating the achievements of new hires can significantly boost their confidence and sense of belonging. Whether it's successfully completing their first week, receiving positive feedback from a client, or mastering a new skill, acknowledging these milestones, big or small, reinforces their value to the team.

  • Open Communication: Establishing open lines of communication where carers feel heard and supported is crucial. Encourage new hires to share their thoughts and feedback and ensure there are mechanisms in place for them to do so comfortably. This could be through regular check-ins, suggestion boxes, or open-door policies with management.

  • Inclusive Team Activities: Organise team activities as part of your regular carer meetings that are not just work-related but also focused on building relationships. Team lunches, group outings, or even online meet-ups for remote team members can help new hires bond with their colleagues and feel more integrated into the team.

  • Professional Development Opportunities: Show new hires that you invest in their growth from the beginning. Discuss career paths and professional development opportunities during the induction process to demonstrate your commitment to their long-term success and satisfaction.

By implementing these strategies, home care providers can create a nurturing and supportive culture that welcomes new carers with open arms. Remember, when carers feel valued and part of a supportive community, they are more likely to extend the same level of care and commitment to your clients!

Utilising Technology for Streamlined Onboarding

In today's digital age, leveraging technology is a game-changer for streamlining the onboarding process, making it more efficient and accessible for new carers. 

Here are some ways UK home care businesses can harness technology for onboarding:

  • Interactive E-Learning Platforms and mobile based apps: E-learning for carers has emerged as a powerful tool for delivering standardised training modules across various critical areas, from health and safety protocols to person-centred care practice

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Simulations: Innovative technologies like VR can simulate real-life care scenarios, offering hands-on experience in a controlled environment and will start to become widespread in use over the coming years.

  • Online Communities: Creating communities through technology such as Slack where carers can share experiences, ask questions, and learn from each other fosters a sense of belonging and support. 

  • Digital Documentation and Signatures: Streamlining paperwork through digital documentation and e-signatures can expedite the onboarding process, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks. 

  • Automated onboarding platforms can help significantly lower manual administrative processes if you recruitment a lot of people

By integrating these technological solutions, UK home care business owners and dedicated registered managers can create a more dynamic, flexible, and engaging onboarding experience. 

Measuring the Success of Your Onboarding Programme

To ensure your onboarding programme is not just a box-ticking exercise but a cornerstone of your home care business success, it's essential to measure its effectiveness regularly. 

Look at feedback from new carers as a starting point.  Conducting surveys at different intervals—such as after the first week, the first month, and the first three months—can provide insights into how the onboarding experience impacts the carer over time.

Retention rates can assess the long-term effectiveness of your onboarding programme. A higher retention rate suggests that the onboarding process is successful in making new hires feel prepared, supported, and valued. 

Performance Metrics: Evaluating the performance of new hires during their initial months can also serve as an indicator of how effective your onboarding is. This includes not only their ability to perform care tasks competently but also to see if they align to your values and standards of care. Performance assessments, when done constructively, can highlight areas where the onboarding process may need to be strengthened.

Actionable Insights: If a common theme emerges from surveys indicating a lack of clarity around certain procedures, address this in your training and onboarding programme. Similarly, if retention rates are not improving, it might be time to re-evaluate the overall structure and content of your onboarding process.

Measuring the success of your onboarding programme is not a one-time task but an ongoing process of evaluation and refinement. 


The journey of Karen, illustrated through the contrasting scenarios of her onboarding experience, underscores the pivotal role that effective onboarding plays in the realm of UK home care. This narrative serves as a powerful testament to the fact that onboarding is not just a preliminary step in the employment cycle but a foundational investment in the quality of care, caregiver satisfaction, and the overall success of a home care business.

Key Takeaways:

  • A Well-Structured Onboarding Process is essential for instilling confidence in new carers, equipping them with the necessary skills, and aligning them with the company's ethos of compassionate care.

  • Investment in Onboarding translates directly into caregiver satisfaction and retention, reducing turnover costs and fostering a stable, skilled care team.

  • The ripple effect of effective onboarding extends way beyond the individual carer, positively impacting team dynamics, client satisfaction, and the reputation of your care company in the community.

  • Continuous Improvement and Feedback are crucial for refining the onboarding process, ensuring it remains responsive to the needs of both carers and the evolving landscape of home care.

As home care business owners and registered managers, embracing onboarding as a critical investment in your company future is imperative. The benefits of a comprehensive, compassionate, and customized onboarding experience are manifold, touching every facet of your operation. By prioritizing the development and ongoing enhancement of your onboarding processes, you not only safeguard the well-being and satisfaction of your carers but also elevate the standard of care provided to clients.

In an industry driven by the principles of care and compassion, let the story of Karen remind us of the transformative power of onboarding. It is through these early interactions that new carers forge their connection to their role, their clients, and the broader mission of your business. By investing in effective onboarding, you lay the groundwork for a culture of excellence, empathy, and enduring commitment to care that transcends the challenges of the job and enriches the lives of all involved.

For those seeking to elevate their onboarding and training practices, I invite you to explore the range of specialised services and resources I offer.

Discover how our bespoke solutions can transform your onboarding process and foster a committed, competent care team by visiting our services page today.

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Transform Your Training Ltd, trading as LorraineHunt.com, Company Registration number: 15721561

Registered address: 109B Malmesbury Park Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8PS