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Interactive dementia care training Bournemouth and UK

Revolutionise Dementia care through an engaging, interactive ‘Experience Dementia Workshop’

June 10, 202411 min read

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. - Carl W. Buechner

The importance of effective dementia care in the UK:

Dementia affects millions of people in the UK and as the population ages, the numbers of people with dementia will rise.  This means that there is an increasing need for dementia training for carers within the UK.

Whilst this neurological condition not only impacts the individuals diagnosed with dementia, but also places a significant emotional and physical burden on families and caregivers.  Those professional carers new to care, and even those with extensive experience, may not appreciate exactly how dementia affects an individual.

Effective dementia care is crucial in ensuring that those living with dementia can maintain a quality of life that respects their dignity and promotes their well-being.

dementia training in Bournemouth

Interactive dementia awareness training

High-quality dementia care goes beyond basic treatment. It involves understanding the unique challenges that dementia presents to each and every individual and implementing effective strategies that address these challenges compassionately, empathetically and effectively. 

Proper dementia care training equips caregivers with the skills and knowledge needed to handle behavioural changes, communicate effectively, and provide person-centred care.  Sit a carer in front of a computer to learn about dementia is one thing, but experiencing what it is like for a person living with dementia is an entirely different training experience.  This interactive dementia training is vital in reducing the stress and frustration that both caregivers and clients experience.

In the UK, the demand for skilled dementia professional carers is growing. With more people choosing to receive care at home, there is an increasing need for comprehensive dementia training programs that are more than a heavily worded Powerpoint presentation. 

Workshops like the 'Experience Dementia Workshop' which is simulated learning is designed to meet this need, providing caregivers with practical, hands-on experience. By participating in these workshops, care professionals can fully understand from their client’s perspective what they are experiencing and caregivers can significantly improve their ability to provide high-quality care, making a profound difference in the lives of those affected by dementia.

Introducing the concept of engaging, interactive dementia workshops

Interactive dementia workshops represent a new era in dementia care training. Unlike traditional classroom-based methods, this dementia care training immerses participants in real-life scenarios, providing a hands-on learning experience. By simulating the challenges faced by individuals with dementia, care professionals gain a deeper understanding of their client’s needs and empathy, which is crucial for providing effective, person-centred care.

These dementia workshops held in Bournemouth, or at your own on-site location within the UK, are designed to be highly engaging, using a variety of interactive elements such as game-playing, simulations, and group discussions and activities. This approach not only makes the training more enjoyable but also enhances the retention of information.

Dementia training near me image of dementia workshop in bournemouth

Carers can practise new skills in a safe environment, receive immediate feedback, and learn from the experiences of others in the workshop. This interactive approach ensures that care providers and their carers are well-prepared to handle the complexities of dementia care.

Moreover, interactive dementia workshops foster a sense of community among participants. Care professionals can share their experiences, challenges, and successes, building a support network that extends beyond the workshop. This collaborative learning environment encourages continuous improvement and innovation in dementia care practices. By attending these workshops, caregivers are not only enhancing their skills but also contributing to a broader movement towards excellence in dementia care in the UK.

Understanding Dementia care

Caring for individuals with dementia presents a unique set of challenges that require specialised knowledge and skills for dementia care providers within the UK. One of the primary challenges is managing behavioural changes. People with dementia often experience confusion, agitation, and mood swings, which can be distressing for both the individual and the caregiver. These behaviours can be unpredictable and may escalate without warning, making it essential for caregivers to have effective strategies to calm and reassure their patients.  More importantly, care professionals need to learn and understand what some of the triggers for dementia complex behaviour can be and learn how to manage these effectively.

Another significant challenge in dementia care is communication. As dementia progresses, individuals may have difficulty expressing their needs and understanding others. This communication barrier can lead to frustration and misunderstandings, impacting the quality of care and the emotional well-being of both the patient and the caregiver. Caregivers need to learn specialised communication techniques to ensure they can connect with and support their clients effectively.

As we all know, the physical demands of providing dementia care can be overwhelming. Many individuals with dementia require assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and eating. This physical care for friends and family is often coupled with the emotional strain of watching a loved one’s cognitive abilities decline. It is so difficult for family carers to balance their caring responsibilities with also taking care of their own mental and physical health, which can be challenging without proper support and training.

Overall, these challenges highlight the importance of comprehensive in-person dementia care training for professional carers. By equipping carers with the necessary dementia skills and strategies, they can provide more effective, compassionate care and improve the quality of life for individuals with dementia.  Dementia education programs are so important for today’s care professionals.

Interactive dementia workshops, like the 'Experience Dementia' series of workshops, are designed to address these challenges directly, offering practical solutions and support for caregivers.

The Need for enhanced dementia training

Dementia training for professionals in the UK is broken. Carrying out an online learning course for a maximum of 30 minutes will not help a carer learn dementia care, nor will sitting in a classroom watching a trainer talk about dementia with a number of Powerpoint slides.  This I firmly believe.

Limitations of traditional dementia training

Traditional dementia training methods often rely heavily on talk and chalk Powerpoint presentations and textbook learning. While these approaches can provide the essential theoretical knowledge that care professionals need, they frequently fall short in preparing carers for real-life situations with real people. 

Is your dementia training boring?  Interactive dementia training example

One major limitation of dementia training is the lack of hands-on experience that care providers deliver to their care teams. Care professionals may understand the symptoms and behaviours associated with dementia in theory, if they have not clicked through the online learning too quickly, but without practical application, they then struggle to apply this knowledge effectively in their daily care practice.

Another limitation of dementia training is the passive nature of traditional training. Sitting through long lectures or being given a big booklet to read can lead to disengagement and poor retention of information. 

Care professionals in all likelihood are not going to fully absorb or remember the crucial details needed to provide hands-on, high-quality care. 

Those traditional training methods often fail to address the emotional and psychological aspects that clients with or without dementia need, which are critical components of effective dementia care.  Well, they are critical components of all adult social care, regardless of your specialism.  That’s why I am on a mission to transform care from MEH to Memorable.  But that’s a story for another day.

How interactive dementia training enhances understanding and retention

Training needs to stick.  Think about the most engaging training you have every participated in - what made it memorable for you?

Interactive learning methods, such as those used in a dementia awareness workshop or a dementia workshop that has game elements to it, could revolutionise the training experience for carers by actively engaging them in the learning process. 

These dementia training sessions use a variety of techniques, including game play, group discussions, and simulations, to create a dynamic and immersive learning environment. This hands-on approach allows caregivers to practise and refine their skills in real-time, with feedback given at the right time, leading to better preparedness and confidence in handling actual care situations.

Interactive methods enhance understanding and help learners retain knowledge by making the learning process more enjoyable and memorable. When carers are actively involved in their dementia training (or indeed any care related training), they are more likely to retain the information and apply it effectively. This approach addresses their emotional and psychological aspects of care, helping participants develop empathy and a deeper connection with those they care for (avoiding professional boundaries of course!).

These interactive training sessions provide opportunities for care professionals to learn from each other’s experiences (both good and bad) as well as the challenges they face. This collaborative, supportive learning environment fosters a sense of not only community, but the ongoing support that is needed, which is invaluable for professional development. 

Introducing the 'Experience Dementia' Workshop

Workshop Overview:

The 'Experience Dementia' workshop is designed to provide care professionals with an immersive understanding of what it’s like to live with dementia. Held in Bournemouth and available at your site across the UK, this 1.5-hour session uses interactive simulations and expert-led discussions to help participants step into the shoes of someone with dementia. The workshop aims to enhance dementia care awareness and is tailored for care professionals, registered managers and business owners seeking to foster a more supportive environment for individuals with dementia.

Key Features:

The workshop includes several interactive, fun elements to ensure a comprehensive learning experience:

  • Interactive simulations: Participants engage in sensory and cognitive simulations that mimic the impairments caused by dementia. This hands-on approach helps care professionals develop a deeper empathy and understanding of the daily challenges faced by those with dementia.

  • Game based elements and group discussions: Facilitated discussions provide a platform for carers to share insights, strategies, and experiences. These sessions encourage collaborative learning and the exchange of best practices in dementia care training.

  • Practical exercises: Through practical exercises, caregivers learn those actionable strategies to improve communication, manage challenging behaviours, and create a supportive environment for those with dementia.

Benefits for care professionals:

Participating in the 'Experience Dementia' workshop offers several key benefits for caregivers:

  • Improved empathy: By experiencing the sensory and cognitive challenges of dementia first-hand, caregivers gain a deeper emotional understanding, which is crucial for providing compassionate care.

  • Better practical support of dementia symptoms: The practical exercises and expert guidance equip caregivers with effective techniques to manage symptoms and behavioural changes associated with dementia.

  • Enhanced care skills: The workshop's comprehensive approach ensures caregivers leave with improved skills and strategies to enhance the quality of life for individuals with dementia, making them better prepared to handle the complexities of dementia care.

Interactive dementia training

Whilst not the same, a great example of the effectiveness of interactive and simulation-based learning in dementia care comes from the Dementia Education and Learning Through Simulation 2 (DEALTS2) programme. This was developed by Bournemouth University and Health Education England, and uses simulation to enhance dementia training. Trainers who participated reported significant improvements in their confidence and ability to deliver dementia training. 

For me, it's about demonstrating how interactive dementia workshops, like the 'Experience Dementia' workshop, can transform dementia care by equipping caregivers with the practical skills and a reminder about the empathy needed to provide high-quality care.

How to Get Involved

You can find out more information here:  lorrainehunt.com/dementiaworkshop - or call or email me for more information.

Final Thoughts about dementia training courses:

Transformative dementia care requires more than just ticking off boxes on a training to-do list.  It demands a deep, empathetic understanding of what a person with dementia is experiencing and practical skills that can only be gained through immersive, interactive learning experiences. 

Traditional training methods are broken, often falling short and providing surface-level knowledge without the hands-on experience care professionals needed to handle real-lif, challenging situations effectively.

It’s time to move beyond the outdated notion that training is a mere tick-box exercise to be completed in a drafty classroom with a group of very bored carers. 

If care providers truly want to transform their approach to dementia care training, they must embrace interactive training sessions like the 'Experience Dementia' workshop. 

These workshops offer a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of those living with dementia, fostering a deeper empathy and understanding that transforms care approaches and improved client outcomes immeasurably.

Engaging, interactive dementia training workshops have a profound impact on both care providers and clients. 

Wouldn't you rather a care professional leave a training session better equipped, more confident, and more compassionate, while your clients benefit from the higher quality, person-centred care that results?  I know which I would prefer 

Investing in such transformative training not only enhances the skills of care professionals but also elevates the standard of care, making a significant positive difference in the lives of those affected by dementia. 

It’s time for a change—let’s embrace the future of dementia training and make every moment count.

dementia training ukdementia workshop bournemouthdementia training bournemouthdementia care traininginteractive dementia trainingdementia educationdementia traininginteractive dementia
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Transform Your Training Ltd, trading as LorraineHunt.com, Company Registration number: 15721561

Registered address: 109B Malmesbury Park Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8PS